Turkish GP close to return
Bernie Ecclestone comments at GoCar
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Recent reports emerging from Turkey suggest that an announcement
about the country's race returning to the Formula 1 calendar could
be made as early as next week, during the FIA Summit in
Originally, Istanbul MC Racing won the tender to operate the
Istanbul Park circuit for 5mUSD per year until 2020. When it did
not deliver the necessary guarantees, the second-best bidder,
Intercity Auto Rental Company, took over.
On the subject of the possible return of the Turkish Grand
Prix, Intecity boss Vural Rk said: “I personally know Bernie
Ecclestone for many years. We presented our projects for Istanbul
Park to him and he was impressed.
"He promised to decrease his 26mUSD demand. The
Turkish state will pay 13.5mUSD and I will pay 5mUSD from my
personal budget, so we will finish a deal at nearly 20mUSD per
year. Bernie’s biggest problem was lack of audience, we guaranteed
50.000 spectators. We want to make a 7-year-deal for Turkish
GP. ”
The actual number of spectators expected for the race is
When contacted by GoCar.gr, F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone told
us: “This is a matter that we would be happy to discuss
with the appropriate authorities. We would very much like the
return to Turkey”.
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